5.7 与物理模拟对比实验


图 5.7 单位(cm)


~10万颗粒,~13万时步,16核并行(Intel Xeon E5-2650),耗时 ~3小时 完成计算。


DEM与AM模拟结果较为一致,基本反映了AM中石英砂的变形行为。AM中材料选取有限(如硅胶、粘土、微玻璃珠等),而DEM材料选取范围大,但其模拟结果依赖参数选取。AM和DEM作为两种独立的方法,有很好的互补性 [Li2021]


  1. ex8_dem_am_gen.py 生成颗粒,沉积,构建初始模型。

  2. ex8_dem_am_push.py 给定颜色、粘结参数,挤压。

表 1 颗粒微观参数表. [Li2021]


\(k(N \cdot m^{−1})\)

\(ρ(kg·\cdot m^{−2})\)

\(g(m·\cdot s^{−2})\)



\(η(N \cdot s \cdot m^{−1})\)

\(υ(m·\cdot s^{−1})\)









The particle packing consists of four particle sizes, with diameters and quantity ratio of 0.2 mm, 0.4 mm, 0.5 mm, and 0.6 mm and 2:2:1:1, respectively. :math:`d , largest particle diameter. \(ρ\) , particle density. \(g\) , gravitational acceleration. :math: f , safety factor of the time step. \(k\) , stiffness of the contact. \(μ\) , friction coefficient. \(η\) , dynamic viscosity. \(υ\) , velocity of the mobile wall.`


# title: 离散元数值模拟与构造物理模拟对比试验:1 沉积
# date: 2021-05-16
# authors: 李长圣
# E-mail: sheng0619@163.com
# ref: Li et al. (2021) Calibration of the discrete element method and modelling of shortening experiments. Front. Earth Sci. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.636512
# more info, see www.geovbox.com
set disk hex
BOX left 0.5e-3 right 615.0e-3 bottom 0.5e-3 height 160.0e-3 kn=1.5e4 ks=1.5e4 fric 0.3 

wall id 4, nodes (     5e-3  158.0e-3) (  5.0e-3     5.0e-3), kn= 1.5e4 ks= 1.5e4 fric 0.0 
wall id 5, nodes (     5e-3    5.0e-3) (605.0e-3     5.0e-3), kn= 1.5e4 ks= 1.5e4 fric 0.0 
wall id 6, nodes ( 605.0e-3    5.0e-3) (605.0e-3   158.0e-3), kn= 1.5e4 ks= 1.5e4 fric 0.0 

gen grid idmin 0 rad discrete 0.1e-3 0.1e-3 0.2e-3 0.2e-3 0.25e-3 0.3e-3,  x (5.0e-3,  605.0e-3), y (5.0e-3, 155.0e-3), GROUP ball_rand 

PROP color red den 1.3e3, fric 0.0, kn  1.5e4, ks  1.5e4 damp 0.4
FIX spin

SET frac 0.4
SET GRAVITY ( 0.0,  -10.0 )
SET  stepbar 1000
SET  save  20000
SET  print 20000
SET  ps    20000
HIST ID 1 INTERVAL 1000 , kinetic
HIST ID 2 INTERVAL 1000 , step
PLOT hist 2 1

CYC 60000
DEL range x (4.0e-3, 606.0e-3), y (30.0e-3, 1.0),
CYC 20000
#save 2del.sav
EXP ini_xyr.dat


# title: 离散元数值模拟与构造物理模拟对比试验:2 挤压
# date: 2021-05-16
# authors: 李长圣
# E-mail: sheng0619@163.com
# ref: Li et al. (2021) Calibration of the discrete element method and modelling of shortening experiments. Front. Earth Sci. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.636512
# more info, see www.geovbox.com
LOAD  ini_xyr.dat
SET disk hex
BOX left 0.5e-3 right 615.0e-3 bottom 0.5e-3 height 110.0e-3 kn=1.5e4 ks=1.5e4 fric 0.3 

WALL id 4, nodes (     5e-3  110.0e-3) (  5.0e-3     5.0e-3), kn= 1.5e4 ks= 1.5e4 fric 0.0 
WALL id 5, nodes (     5e-3    5.0e-3) (605.0e-3     5.0e-3), kn= 1.5e4 ks= 1.5e4 fric 0.0 
WALL id 6, nodes ( 605.0e-3    5.0e-3) (605.0e-3   110.0e-3), kn= 1.5e4 ks= 1.5e4 fric 0.0 

PROP color red den 1.3e3, fric 0.0, kn  1.5e4, ks  1.5e4 damp 0.0
FIX spin

SET frac 0.4
SET GRAVITY ( 0.0,  -10.0 )
SET  stepbar 10000
HIST ID 1 INTERVAL 1000 , kinetic
HIST ID 2 INTERVAL 1000 , step
PLOT  2 1

SET damp lsm 0.04
PROP fric 0.30 
PROP color lg
PROP color  red , range x 0.0  615.0e-3 y   9.0e-3  10.0e-3  
PROP color  blue, range x 0.0  615.0e-3 y  14.0e-3  15.0e-3  
PROP color  red , range x 0.0  615.0e-3 y  19.0e-3  20.0e-3  
PROP color  blue, range x 0.0  615.0e-3 y  24.0e-3  25.0e-3  
PROP color  red , range x 0.0  615.0e-3 y  29.0e-3  30.0e-3  

wall id 4 fric 0.30 xv 40e-3
wall id 5 fric 0.30
wall id 6 fric 0.30

imple wall id 4 xmove 160e-3 save 20e-3 print 10e-3 ps 10e-3  vtk 10e-3



图 5.8 单位(cm)
